
三城另類藝術社群 敘事當代藝術
香港 / 北京 / 新加坡
香港 /北京 / 新加坡,三個城市的當代藝術發展方向及歷程看起來相當不同,但彼此間卻有著千絲萬縷的聯繫,以及意想不到的足以互相借鏡的異 / 同。此書以三地另類藝術社群起始點的歷史軌跡為主線,瞻前顧後,從三地的歷史背景開始,探究另類藝術社群之凝聚過程,如何對當代藝術轉型及發展方向產生不可磨滅的影響;從而借鏡北京798藝術區及新加坡的經驗,作為香港本地當代藝術未來方向的參考。

新書發布會 / 茶聚
作者 / 主持: 謝燕舞 (《三城》資料及圖片展策劃人,APP創辦人)
協辦: C&G 藝術單位
日期: 2009年2月7日 (星期六)下午茶時段3:15─5:15
蔡仞姿 (1a空間創辦人之一及現任副主席)
鄭怡敏、張嘉莉 (C&G藝術單位創辦人)
區華欣 (圖片及資料展回應藝術家)
方韻芝、何梓埼、黃綺妮 (1a空間行政人員、1a空間檔案館整理)
謝鼎鴻、彭子慧、莊文練 (展覽設計及工作團隊)
地點: C & G 藝術單位 (香港九龍太子西洋菜南街222號三字樓)

是次聚會,由策劃人謝燕舞,同時亦為08年9月開始的Art Products Promotion創辦人,邀來油街時期成立的1a空間創辦人蔡仞姿,駐足成立不久的C&G藝術單位,與其創辦人聚首,再加上參與了是次計劃檔案整理、展覽設計工作的新一代藝術家及藝術行政人員,濟濟一堂;從時、地、人三個角度來暢談、穿梭香港另類藝術空間的過去、現在與將來。

A Study of Hong Kong Alternative Art Community
(Parallel with Beijing/Singapore)
By Tse Yin Mo

Hong Kong / Beijing / Singapore, they have very different ways in contemporary art progressing, but also contain unpredictable crossover links in between. This book is mirroring the historical tracks railed by the alternative art communities in the 3 cities, which was studied and documented by Tse Yin Mo during 2007-2008. At the meanwhile, Mo wants to find out how the alternative art community was condensed, and marked a defining way to local contemporary art development. In parallel with Beijing 798 Art Zone and Singapore alternative art community’s situation, Hong Kong art practitioners could take references from them to fore view the future vision of local contemporary art.
Book launching and Tea Forum
Author/host: Tse Yin Mo (Curator of the Documentary Exhibition, APP starter)
Co-presenter: C&G Artpartment
Date: 7th Feb, 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 3:15pm – 5:15pm (Tea Time)

Choi Yan Chi (One of the founder of 1aspace, now its vice chairperson)
Cheng Yee Man, Clara Cheung (Founder of C&G Artpartment)
Au Wah Yan (The responding artist)
Vangi Fong, Kiki Ho, Natasha Wong
(1aspace administrative staff, construction of 1aspace archive)
David Tse, Venus Pang, Chong Man Lin (Exhibition Design and the working team)

Venue: C & G Artpartment
(3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi St. South, Prince Edward, Kowloon, HK)

The author, curator Tse Yin Mo, also as a starter of Art Products Promotion (since Sep 2008), invite Choi Yan Chi(one major founder of 1aspace in Oil Street period) to step into the newly opened C&G Artpartment and gather with its founders this time. In the Tea Forum, all the members of the Documentary Exhibition working team participating archive construction, exhibition design, who are also artists, art administrators representing local new art generation. They’ll discuss across the past, present and future of HK alternative art spaces with a three dimensional perspective in terms of time, place and people has involved in.




主 持: 謝燕舞
(《三城》作者,同名資料及圖片展策劃人,藝術推廣機構APP(Art Products Promotion)創辦人)


協辦: C&G 藝術單位
日期: 2009年2月20日 (星期五)
地點: C & G 藝術單位

查詢/留座電話:(852)2390 9332 電郵:
The Book Launching / Tea Forum held on 7 Feb induced enthusiastic discussion focusing on the theme of art community in HK. To go deeper into the discussion, a broader perspective will be carried out on 20 Feb by the following topic:

The Alternative Art Spaces in the Hong Kong contemporary art’s development

Dialogue speakers:
Mr. Oscar Ho

(He is now the Professional Consultant of Cultural Management Division in the Department of Cultural & Religious Studies, CUHK. And he is the Founder and President of the Hong Kong chapter of the International Art Critics Association.)

Ms Choi Yan Chi(She is a local famous artist, one of the founders of 1a Space and its current vice chairperson. She is now an assistant professor in the Academy of Visual Arts, BUHK.)

Host: Tse Yin Mo
(Author of the captioned book, curator of the Documentary Exhibition, starter of APP, a new art promotion organization)

Mr. Oscar HO and Ms. CHOI Yan-chi are cordially invited to conduct this dialogue. The two honorable guests both contribute a lot to the development of Hong Kong art, witness the debut and the molt of the Hong Kong contemporary art, as well as participate actively into the policy decisions regarding the future direction of Hong Kong art culture. What will they see and comment on the art ecology and culture in Hong Kong and its gaps and limitations from a holistic view, as well as the value of existence and the future direction of alternative art spaces in the course of the Hong Kong contemporary art’s development?

Co-presenter: C&G Artpartment
Date: 20th Feb, 2009 (Friday)
Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Venue: C & G Artpartment
3/F, 222 Sai Yeung Choi St. South, Prince Edward, Kowloon, HK

Open discussion has been conducted in the talk.
30% off discount of the captioned book was offered during the day.

Enquiries/reservation:(852)2390 9332 Email:

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